Dubai: An Emerging Hub for Higher Education


Dubai not only known as a tourist attraction but also as an emerging study abroad destination is a perfect destination to pursue a master's degree program. The universities in Dubai offer one-year and two-year degree course in a wide variety of programs. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the various perks to study in Dubai at Masters Level. So, let’s get into it!

Perks of Pursuing a Masters Degree in Dubai

Dubai has a lot of advantages over other countries when it comes to pursuing a Masters's Degree. Here are a few!

Choose From a Wide Variety of Specializations

At the master's level, students usually choose a specialization program that allows them to gain expertise in a particular field. The Universities in Dubai provide specialization courses in a variety of subjects. Right from Masters in International Business, Master of Educational Innovation, MSc Data Science, Master of Arts in Leadership in Education, MSc International Fashion Marketing, and a lot more.

Flexible Duration

The duration of a master’s degree is quite flexible in Dubai. The majority of the universities offer a one-year master's degree program. These courses are specially designed to provide practical and hands-on learning experiences to the students. Students having few years of professional work experience willing to advance their profile can enroll for a one-year Master’s Degree Program. Here is the list of top universities in Dubai that offers one-year masters programs:

  • The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
  • Institute of Management Technology, Dubai
  • Middlesex University - Dubai
  • Heriot-Watt University - Dubai
  • University of Birmingham - Dubai
  • Murdoch University – Dubai


Cost of Education is Affordable

Comparative to study overseas destinations like the USA, Australia and UK, Dubai offers higher education at quite an affordable cost. The tuition fee might differ from course to course, but the cost of education in Dubai is quite on the affordable side.

In Dubai, there are international universities from the UK as well that offer higher education at quite an affordable cost.

Extensive Program

The Master’s program especially for one year is designed to provide practical learning, hands-on training and prepare students to work in the field. There are 4 semesters in a two-year degree program whereas 2 semesters in a one-year degree program. Students get to choose a specialization at the master’s level as per their eligibility and interests. By the end of the course, they can enroll for internships with the top multinational companies.

Multi-Cultural Environment

According to research, citizens from over a hundred nationalities have turned Dubai into a melting pot of traditions and culture. Here, while pursuing their masters, they will get to meet new people and experience a multi-cultural environment.

So, isn’t Dubai the perfect destination to pursue higher education? What do you think? If you want to explore your options of a master’s degree in Dubai, do get in touch with the Dubai counselors at the Free Overseas Education Counselling Online, KC Overseas Education, Our team of experts will provide will assist you in the overall application process.
